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来自 : 医学教育网官网 发布时间:2021-03-25
《美国药品申报与法规管理》读书笔记 欢迎您的讨论,但谢绝毫无意义的跟贴

chinagmp 论坛的斑竹推荐的一本书,搜遍各大论坛,没有找到免费的午餐,只有自己花银子买了一本。在电脑上看书习惯了,冷不丁翻印刷品还不习惯。

\" TARGET=_blank >王建英 美国药品申报与法规管理 PPT

第一章 美国医药法规发展及管理结构 /1
第一节 美国医药法规的百年变迁 /1
一、法规前的历史背景 /1
二、美国第一个医药法—1906年《纯净食品和药品法》诞生前后 /5
三、药品安全性证据—1938年《食品、药品和化妆品法》 /10
四、药品效益证据—1962年《Kefauver—Hatrrs修正案》 /12
五、美国医药领域大事纪年历表 /16
第二节 美国医药管理组织结构 /21
一、美国政府组织结构简介 /22
二、食品和药品管理局(FDA) /26
三、美国医药法规解剖 /44
第二章 调研性新药(IND) /69
第一节 临床前研究 /70
一、分子筛选、合成和纯化 /70
二、药理学研究 /71
三、毒理学研究 /72
四、药物临床前研究的局限性 /76
第二节 临床研究 /76
一、FDA对IND的分类 /77
二、商业性IND的阶段性 /81
三、临床研究的设计 /84
第三节 保护受试者利益 /86
一、纽伦堡公约 /86
二、赫尔辛基宣言 /89
三、美国贝尔蒙报告 /93
四、伦理委员会 /94
五、知情同意书 /95
六、良好操作规范(CCP)及参与人员的职责 /99
第四节 临床研究申请(IND) /100
一、INI申请形式和内容 /101
二、INI资料的维持和更新 /108
三、IND撤回 /110
四、INl终止 /110
五、INI的闲置状态 /111
第五节 IND审批 /111
一、FDA结论 /113
二、与FDA会晤 /114
三、有关临床研究的法规和文件 /116
第三章 创新药(NDA) /125
第一节 申报NDA /127
一、NDA申报前 /128
二、NDA申报格式和内容 /135
三、协助新药申请(NDA)的法规和FDA指导文件 /144
第二节 NDA评审 /147
一、NDA审批运作和政策 /147
二、NDA评审过程 /152
第四章 仿制药 /ANDA /189
第一节 美国仿制药工业的发展历史 /189
一、从宽松管理到1962年的《Kefauver—Harris修正案》 /190
二、1984年仿制药产业的转折点——《药品价格竞争和专利期修正案》 /190
三、1989年仿制药丑闻 /193
四、修改法案——《仿制药实施法》 /194
第二节 仿制药的法规管理 /195
一、仿制药管理要点 /196
二、有关仿制药的法规和指导文件 /200
三、医药报销与仿制药的关系 /203
第三节 仿制药的竞争及发展趋势 /205
一、仿制药企业战略——向专利挑战提早上市 /205
二、仿制药行业的下一个浪潮——生物药品 /214
第四节 ANDA内容和形式要求 /217
一、ANDA申请格式 /217
二、生物利用度/生物等效性 /218
三、药品标签和说明书的规定 /231
第五节 仿制药(ANIA)的审批 /232
一、mA仿制药办公室的组织结构 /232
二、ANDA审批过程 /234
三、FDA电话询问及回答 /238
四、修改、补充及其审批时间 /238
第五章 非处方药 /OTC /251
第一节 0TC药品法规管理的发展 /252
一、1972年前的OTC药品管理 /252
二、1972年OTC药品大审核——持续到如今 /254
三、其他法规对OTC药品的影响 /270
第二节 OTC药的管理体系 /271
一、OTC专论Monographs /272
二、RX/0TC转换机制 /273
三、实际使用的自然性研究 /281
四、OTC药品的标签规定 /283
五、OTC药品的上市途径 /287
第六章 药物档案DMF /296
第一节 FDA的DMF管理系统 /296
一、DMF简介 /296
二、DMF持有者职责 /300
第二节 二类DMF /原料药 /302
一、从用户角度认识原料药和DMF /303
二、从FDA角度要求原料药和DMF /307
第三节 原料药DMF的撰写 /312
一、CTD原料药部分3.2.S /312
二、有关DMF的指导文件 /330
第七章 植物药 /332
第一节 植物药产品的法规管理 /333
一、法规的历史回顾 /335
二、1990年《营养标签与教育法》 /336
三、1994年《饮食补充剂保健与教育法》 /337
四、2004年《植物药产品指南》 /338
第二节 饮食补充剂 /339
一、饮食补充剂定义 /339
二、与饮食补充剂管理有关的机构 /339
三、毋须上市前审批政策 /340
四、饮食补充剂中的新成分 /341
五、饮食补充剂的安全和效益保证 /342
六、饮食补充剂的标签要求 /346
七、饮食补充剂与药品的矛盾 /349
第三节植物药 /351
一、植物药复兴的背景 /352
二、《植物药产品指南》要点 /352
三、《指南》将加速植物药研发 /370
第四节 中药问题浅谈 /372
一、中药特点 /372
二、中药问题 /373
三、中医理论优势 /379
术语和简称 /中英文对照 /381
附录一 FDA历年来确认为治疗“罕见病”的药品 /390
附录二 医药评审与研究中心(CDER)指导文件汇总 /462
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333\" width=120 height=162 title=\"Click to view full cover.jpg (120 X 162)\" border=0 align=absmiddle>我关注的当然是ANDA,因此直入主题。黑色字体是书中的内容,兰色部分都是FDA网站的内容(对比着看)

Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)
An Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) contains data that, when submitted to FDA\'s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Generic Drugs, provides for the review and ultimate approval of a generic drug product. Generic drug applications are called \"abbreviated\" because they are generally not required to include preclinical (animal) and clinical (human) data to establish safety and effectiveness. Instead, a generic applicant must scientifically demonstrate that its product is bioequivalent (i.e., performs in the same manner as the innovator drug). Once approved, an applicant may manufacture and market the generic drug product to provide a safe, effective, low cost alternative to the American public.

第四章 仿制药


Generic Drug (FDA 术语解释)
A generic drug is the same as a brand name drug in dosage, safety, strength, how it is taken, quality, performance, and intended use. Before approving a generic drug product, FDA requires many rigorous tests and procedures to assure that the generic drug can be substituted for the brand name drug. The FDA bases evaluations of substitutability, or \"therapeutic equivalence,\" of generic drugs on scientific evaluations. By law, a generic drug product must contain the identical amounts of the same active ingredient as the brand name product. Drug products evaluated as \"therapeutically equivalent\" can be expected to have equal effect and no difference when substituted for the brand name product.

销售总额:8% (1994-2004下降趋势)



与其去美国搞什么ANDA,不如好好看看人家的ANDA是怎么搞的,自己学习学习,将国内的仿制药的申报管理好,监督好。扩大医保覆盖面,把自己的医药市场搞好,让整个制药产业健康发展。第一节 美国仿制药工业的发展历史

二1984 年仿制药产业的转折点——《药品价格竞争和专利期修正案》
Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act,以当时两个主办者 Orrin Hatch 和Henry Waxman 名字作为法案名称(Waxman-Hatch Act)
1.ANDA 第一申报者和180天保护期
3.提前研制仿制(Waxman-Hatch Act 的修正案 Bolar的内容)

仿制药实施法 授予FDA权力或在特定情况下要求FDA对任何严重违反药品法规的个人或团体下禁令,禁止被禁人员或团体参与美国产品上市有关的制药行业的活动。


一句话:你一旦作弊被FDA抓到,就上了黑名单,你的职业生涯就完蛋了。第二节 仿制药的法规管理
Electronic Orange Book
Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations Codes

FDA 把所有已证明治疗等同的药品列为A类 和B类
\"A\" CODES A类为治疗等同的药品,可以在使用上互换

\"B\" CODES B类为治疗不等同的药品,不可以在使用上互换。由制剂本身的差异造成

BC Extended-release dosage forms (capsules, injectables and tablets)
BD Active ingredients and dosage forms with documented bioequivalence problems
BE Delayed-release oral dosage forms
BN Products in aerosol-nebulizer drug delivery systems
BP Active ingredients and dosage forms with potential bioequivalence problems
BR Suppositories or enemas that deliver drugs for systemic absorption
BS Products having drug standard deficiencies
BT Topical products with bioequivalence issues
BX Drug products for which the data are insufficient to determine therapeutic equivalence

Rx (Prescription Drug Products)
OTC (Over-the-Counter Drug Products) (不属于OTC专论的,由NDA/ANDA转来的)
Disc (Discontinued Drug Products) (历年积累的非市场活跃的药品,停止市场供应的意思)
Discontinued Drug
A discontinued drug is a drug product that has been removed from the market in the United States for reasons other than safety or effectiveness

The Discontinued Drug Product List
contains approved products that have never been marketed, have been discontinued from marketing, are for military use, or have had their approvals withdrawn for other than safety or efficacy reasons subsequent to being discontinued from marketing. All products having a \"@\" in the 12th Cumulative Supplement of the 25th Edition List have been added to the Discontinued Drug Product List appearing in the 26th Edition. In addition, approved drug products that are not in the commercial distribution channel e.g., approved drug products in applications for export only are also listed in the Discontinued Section of the Orange Book.

Discontinued Section

Those drug products in the Discontinued Section of the Orange Book in which a determination has already been made that the products were not marketed or withdrawn for safety or efficacy reasons have “**Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or efficacy reasons*” following the product strength. Those drug products are only reflective of citizen petitions approved since 1995. The identification of these drug products in the Discontinued Section of the Orange Book with the symbol \"*\" should avoid the submission of multiple citizen petitions for the same drug product.

Generally, approved products are added to the Discontinued Section of the Orange Book when the applicant holder notifies the Orange Book staff of the products’ not marketed status. Products may also be added if annual reports indicate the product is no longer marketed or other Agency administrative action (e.g., Withdrawal of an Application). Changes to the Orange Book are not affected by the drug registration and listing requirements of Section 510 of the Act.

Changes to the Orange Book

Every effort is made to ensure the Annual Edition is current and accurate. Applicant holders are requested to inform the FDA Orange Book Staff (OBS) of any changes or corrections. Please inform the OBS when products are no longer marketed. Notification of the Orange Book staff to include the newly approved product in the Discontinued Drug Product List rather than parts 1, 2 or 3 of the List (as discussed in Section 1.1) must occur by the end of the month in which the product is approved to ensure that the product is not included in the “active” portions of the next published Orange Book update


RLD(Reference Listed Drug)


(四) 片剂的刻痕要求
Inactive Ingredient Database (普通辅料和常规用量)
Guidance for Nonclinical Studies for the Safety Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Excipients (详细阐明了使用新辅料或非寻常含量普通辅料的安全性要求)
Uruguay Round Agreements Act(1994) :专利从批准日算起17年保护期变更为20年
Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act: 允许专利获得5年的专利延长期。但药品批准上市时仍有14年以上的专利保护期

2. FDA授予的市场专营保护期

3. 仿制药的“专利声明书”
专利第一段声明:申报者证明根据FDA “橙皮书”,所参照药并没有向FDA报告其专利信息


二:有关仿制药的法规及其有关修正案(page 200-203)
(四)《政策和程序手册》(Manual of Policies and Procedures,MaPP)

三. 医药报销与仿制药的关系


仿制药更受各级政府和医疗保险机构的青睐,更容易上《药品目录》( drug formularies)第三节 仿制药的竞争与发展趋势
Barr公司2001.8成功击败Prozac专利,180天销售达$ 311 million
MOVA 公司成功挑战Upjohn公司 的Glynase (Glyburide)1997年上市(提前了10年,本来2007专利才到期)
(二) FDA \"橙皮书\"专利登记新规定
(三) 专利在美国即将过期的药品

二 仿制药行业的下一个浪潮:生物药品第四节 ANDA内容和形式要求
一.ANDA 申请格式
ANDA Checklist for Completeness and Acceptability (Posted 4/19/2006)
Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy
二. 生物利用度/生物等效性
Guidance for Industry Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Orally Administered Drug Products — General Considerations
BA (Bioavailability )
PE( Pharmaceutical equivalence)
TE (Therapeutic equivalence)[url][/url]
Scale-Up and Postapproval Changes(SUPAC)
Scale-Up and Post-Approval Changes for Intermediate Release Products\" (SUPAC-IR)

FDA 将以下探讨方法以准确度,灵敏度和重现性指标从强到弱的顺序依次
(2) 人体排尿液方法:


(1) 食物影响试验(food-effect studies)
狭窄治疗范围 narrow therapeutic ranges( NTR)

Statistical Approaches to Establishing Bioequivalence

(二)申请BA/BE 试验的减免
Guidance for Industry
waiver of in vivo bioavilability and bioequivalence studies for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms based on a biopharmaceutics classification systems biopharmaceutics classification systems (BCS)
BCS 确定三个主要影响速效口服固体药品吸收速度和程度的因素,溶解度(dissolution) 可溶性(solubility),肠道通透性( intestinal permeability)

Determining Drug Substance Solubility Class
An objective of the BCS approach is to determine the equilibrium solubility of a drug substance under physiological pH conditions. The pH-solubility profile of the test drug substance should be determined at 37 ± 1oC in aqueous media with a pH in the range of 1-7.5. A sufficient number of pH conditions should be evaluated to accurately define the pH-solubility profile. The number of pH conditions for a solubility determination can be based on the ionization characteristics of the test drug substance. For example, when the pKa of a drug is in the range of 3-5, solubility should be determined at pH = pKa, pH = pKa +1, pH = pKa-1, and at pH = 1 and 7.5. A minimum of three replicate determinations of solubility in each pH condition is recommended. Depending on study variability, additional replication may be necessary to provide a reliable estimate of solubility. Standard buffer solutions described in the USP are considered appropriate for use in solubility studies. If these buffers are not suitable for physical or chemical reasons, other buffer solutions can be used. Solution pH should be verified after addition of the drug substance to a buffer. Methods other than the traditional shake-flask method, such as acid or base titration methods, can also be used with justification to support the ability of such methods to predict equilibrium solubility of the test drug substance. Concentration of the drug substance in selected buffers (or pH conditions) should be determined using a validated stability-indicating assay that can distinguish the drug substance from its degradation products.3 If degradation of the drug substance is observed as a function of buffer composition and/or pH, it should be reported along with other stability data recommended in section III.B.3.
The solubility class should be determined by calculating the volume of an aqueous medium sufficient to dissolve the highest dose strength in the pH range of 1-7.5. A drug substance should be classified as highly soluble when the highest dose strength is soluble in 250 ml of aqueous media over the pH range of 1-7.5.

Determining Drug Substance Permeability Class
The permeability class of a drug substance can be determined in human subjects using mass balance, absolute BA, or intestinal perfusion approaches. Recommended methods not involving human subjects include in vivo or in situ intestinal perfusion in a suitable animal model (e.g., rats), and/or in vitro permeability methods using excised intestinal tissues, or monolayers of suitable epithelial cells. In many cases, a single method may be sufficient (e.g., when the absolute BA is 90% or more, or when 90% or more of the administered drug is recovered in urine). When a single method fails to conclusively demonstrate a permeability classification, two different methods may be advisable. Chemical structure and/or certain physicochemical attributes of a drug substance (e.g., partition coefficient in suitable systems) can provide useful information about its permeability characteristics. Sponsors may wish to consider use of such information to further support a classification.

Guidance for Industry Dissolution Testing of Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms

Determining Drug Product Dissolution Characteristics and Dissolution Profile Similarity
Dissolution testing should be carried out in USP Apparatus I at 100 rpm or Apparatus II at 50 rpm using 900 ml of the following dissolution media: (1) 0.1 N HCl or Simulated Gastric Fluid USP without enzymes; (2) a pH 4.5 buffer; and (3) a pH 6.8 buffer or Simulated Intestinal Fluid USP without enzymes. For capsules and tablets with gelatin coating, Simulated Gastric and Intestinal Fluids USP (with enzymes) can be used.
Dissolution testing apparatus used in this evaluation should conform to the requirements in USP ( 711 Dissolution). Selection of the dissolution testing apparatus (USP Apparatus I or II) during drug development should be based on a comparison of in vitro dissolution and in vivo pharmacokinetic data available for the product. The USP Apparatus I (basket method) is generally preferred for capsules and products that tend to float, and USP Apparatus II (paddle method) is generally preferred for tablets. For some tablet dosage forms, in vitro (but not in vivo) dissolution may be slow due to the manner in which the disintegrated product settles at the bottom of a dissolution vessel. In such situations, USP Apparatus I may be preferred over Apparatus II. If the testing conditions need to be modified to better reflect rapid in vivo dissolution (e.g., use of a different rotating speed), such modifications can be justified by comparing in vitro dissolution with in vivo absorption data (e.g., a relative BA study using a simple aqueous solution as the reference product).
A minimum of 12 dosage units of a drug product should be evaluated to support a biowaiver request. Samples should be collected at a sufficient number of intervals to characterize the dissolution profile of the drug product (e.g., 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes).
When comparing the test and reference products, dissolution profiles should be compared using a similarity factor (f2). The similarity factor is a logarithmic reciprocal square root transformation of the sum of squared error and is a measurement of the similarity in the percent (%) of dissolution between the two curves.
f2 = 50 log {[1 + (1/n)Σt=1n (Rt - Tt)2]-0.5 100}
Two dissolution profiles are considered similar when the f2 value is $50. To allow the use of mean data, the coefficient of variation should not be more than 20% at the earlier time points (e.g., 10 minutes), and should not be more than 10% at other time points. Note that when both test and reference products dissolve 85% or more of the label amount of the drug in #15 minutes using all three dissolution media recommended above, the profile comparison with an f2 test is unnecessary.

2 BA/BE试验减免的考虑
-仿制药表现了与参照药相同的溶出度模式(f2 50)

The drug substance for which a waiver is being requested should be highly soluble and highly permeable. Sponsors requesting biowaivers based on the BCS should submit the following information to the Agency for review by the Office of Clinical Pharmacology

A. Data Supporting High Solubility
Data supporting high solubility of the test drug substance should be developed (see section III.A:The solubility class should be determined by calculating the volume of an aqueous medium sufficient to dissolve the highest dose strength in the pH range of 1-7.5. A drug substance should be classified as highly soluble when the highest dose strength is soluble in 250 ml of aqueous media over the pH range of 1-7.5.). The following information should be included in the application:
A description of test methods, including information on analytical method and composition of the buffer solutions
Information on chemical structure, molecular weight, nature of the drug substance (acid, base, amphoteric, or neutral), and dissociation constants (pKa(s))
Test results (mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation) summarized in a table under solution pH, drug solubility (e.g., mg/ml), and volume of media required to dissolve the highest dose strength
A graphic representation of mean pH-solubility profile

B. Data Supporting High Permeability
Data supporting high permeability of the test drug substance should be developed (see section III.B). The following information should be included in the application:
For human pharmacokinetic studies, information on study design and methods used along with the pharmacokinetic data
For direct permeability methods, information supporting the suitability of a selected method that encompasses a description of the study method, criteria for selection of human subjects, animals, or epithelial cell line, drug concentrations in the donor fluid, description of the analytical method, method used to calculate extent of absorption or permeability, and where appropriate, information on efflux potential (e.g., bidirectional transport data)
A list of selected model drugs along with data on extent of absorption in humans (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) used to establish suitability of a method, permeability values for each model drug (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation), permeability class of each model drug, and a plot of the extent of absorption as a function of permeability (mean ± standard deviation or 95% confidence interval) with identification of the low/high permeability
class boundary and selected internal standard. Information to support high permeability of a test drug substance should include permeability data on the test drug substance, the internal standards (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation), stability information, data supporting passive transport mechanism where appropriate, and methods used to establish high permeability of the test drug substance.

C. Data Supporting Rapid and Similar Dissolution
For submission of a biowaiver request, an IR product should be rapidly dissolving. Data supporting rapid dissolution attributes of the test and reference products should be developed (see section III.C). The following information should be included in the application:
A brief description of the IR products used for dissolution testing, including information on batch or lot number, expiry date, dimensions, strength, and weight
Dissolution data obtained with 12 individual units of the test and reference products using recommended test methods in section III.C. The percentage of labeled claim dissolved at each specified testing interval should be reported for each individual dosage unit. The mean percent dissolved, range (highest and lowest) of dissolution, and coefficient of variation (relative standard deviation) should be tabulated. A graphic representation of the mean dissolution profiles for the test and reference products in the three media should also be included.
Data supporting similarity in dissolution profiles between the test and reference products in each of the three media, using the f2 metric

D. Additional Information
The manufacturing process used to make the test product should be described briefly to provide information on the method of manufacture (e.g., wet granulation vs. direct compression). A list of excipients used, the amount used, and their intended functions should be provided. Excipients used in the test product should have been used previously in FDA-approved IR solid oral dosage forms

(三)FDA 有关BA/BE 试验指导性文件(page 230)
Bioavailability and bioequivalence studies for orally administered drug prducts-General considerations,2003

三.药品标签和说明书的规定第五节 仿制药(ANDA)的审批

一. FDA仿制药办公室的组织结构
二.ANDA审批过程Generic Drug (ANDA) Review Process

ANDA 审查内容主要包括八大部分
-所参照的药品必须是orange book 指定,并具有药学等效性
要求现场检查(request for plant inspection)

三.FDA 电话询问及回答
四.修改补充及其审批时间请问楼主,现在美国的ANDA申报到底是采用什么格式呢?CMC还是CTD?CMC格式到底包含了哪些部分呢?有没有明确点的说明?另外,这本书的ANDA申报部分,checklist 那个附表不是CTD格式的,和您给的这个ANDA Checklist for Completeness and Acceptability (CTD)格式不同啊!


谢谢!随风奔跑 wrote:
请问楼主,现在美国的ANDA申报到底是采用什么格式呢?CMC还是CTD?CMC格式到底包含了哪些部分呢?有没有明确点的说明?另外,这本书的ANDA申报部分,checklist 那个附表不是CTD格式的,和您给的这个ANDA Checklist for Completeness and Acceptability (CTD)格式不同啊!



一切以FDA网站为准。 ANDA Checklist for Completeness and Acceptability 是完整的的框架。现在ANDA应该采取eCTD ,递交时我记得COVER是打印版的。今天收到一个战友的PM,缘起我回复lh_99的一个帖子。
因......原因(略去),能否麻烦提供以下FDA的原文全文:1、\"备注:The Pivotal Batch is:\"的解释;2、The pivotal batch size is 10 % or greater of the largest proposed commercial lot?;3、FDA ANDA研发流程图。

近期又看到一个帖子:做生物等效性时遇到的问题---参比制剂的选择 ,还有大量询问BATCH SIZE的问题,报批做生物等效性(临床)所用药品的生产工艺和将来上市大生产的工艺存在着根本性的差异,这在制药行业已经是公开的事实,CDE不加强监管,我们的仿制药很可能仅仅是化学物理等效,生物学是否等效就要画一个大大的问号了。




265文件是仿照FDA中NDA/ANDA中,关键批Pivotal Batch的要求。
但是265文件仅仅抓住了FDA中的皮毛,没有把握住精神。265文件中谈到“用于批量生产的设备上完成,3批样品试制量应分别为该品种已验证生产能力的最大量、半数量和最小量。” 其实没有必要验证3个级别的,我认为应该根据公司中试设备和大生产设备的情况,选择一个最佳的比例,目的就是让中试的工艺参数对于大生产有指示作用,(根据FDA只要大于10%就可以了),中试生产的量就是关键批的量,用关键批的数据产生了申报数据。而且关键批应该做2-3批(比方说选定为15%commercial lot的话,那么关键批就应该做2-3批 15% commercial lot的,而不是265所说的最大量、半数量和最小量这是拍脑袋)

FDA ANDA中关于关键批(Pivotal Batch)有个CHECK LIST,里面有很多问题需要你回答Y/N,下面几个比较关键
1. The product formula for the pivotal is the final marketing formula? (处方是最终上市处方吗?)
2. The Manufacturing Instructions are suitable for routine production?(生产方法是否适用于正式大生产?)
3. The pivotal batch manufacturing equipment is standard production equipment operated by production staff with routine QA personnel? (关键批的生产设备是常规的QA人员操作的标准生产设备吗?)
4. A side-by-side comparison of the pivotal equipment and the validation batch equipment are similar, and differ in a change in scale only?(关键批的设备和正式大生产的设备类似吗?是否就仅仅是规模大小的区别)
5. The pivotal batch production will follow all production SOPs? (关键批是否遵照生产时的所有SOP?)
6. The pivotal batch size is 10 % or greater of the largest proposed commercial lot?(关键批的大小是否是正式批次的10%的量,或者更大?)


The Pivotal Batch is:
¨ the ANDA submission batch
¨ the regulatory reference batch
¨ the process exhibition batch
¨ the bioequivalence batch
¨ a process qualified batch
¨ the validation-basis batch
¨ a production processed batch
¨ a full GMP batch
¨ a stability tested batch
The Pivotal Batch contains the :
à ingredients from ‘approved suppliers
à final product formulation.
à final processing instructions.
à final in-process specifications.
à final release specifications.
à final stability specifications.
à final F P specifications.(F.P 就是 finished product)
à final filling specifications.
à final packaging specifications.
à full analytical methodology.
à full microbiological methodology.

再贴一张图,看看FDA ANDA研发流程,3批大生产的产品验证是在第20步,关键批的生产是第17步(是提交ANDA数据的)。265文件是不是将这些一步到位了,居然还有一批是最大量,太离谱了。假如没有获得批件的话,企业的损失也太大了吧?

1.The Pivotal Batch is:\"的解释
The Pivotal Batch 在FDA网站上的规范术语是pilot batch (很多时候也叫biobatch)
A pilot batch or \"biobatch\" should be the source of the finished drug product used in the pivotal studies (i.e., bioequivalence studies and tissue residue studies), stability studies and the validation studies for the proposed analytical and stability indicating methods

解释一下:用pilot batch 很形象,pilot 就是领航的意思,从生产线上下来的药品在生物体上第一次使用的批次。经常用在非常关键的药品研发的试验中(ANDA生物等效性,NDA临床研究,稳定性研究,验证研究),是用来取得数据的批次,能不关键吗?

2The pivotal batch size is 10 % or greater of the largest proposed commercial lot?

3.FDA ANDA研发流程图。

(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)本来安安心心潜水看书,那天手痒痒,看到一个疑似广告贴,随手回了个贴,措辞礼貌,严谨,很多战友PM回复表示支持,尤其是药厂背景的DXYERS, 我只是善意地提醒现在大刀阔斧进行国际化的公司(尤其是国有企业)留个神,在将大量的银子送给咨询公司的讲师团腰包的时候,更要注重对公司内部员工的培养(包括精神上物质上), 外来的和尚好念经, 但是如果员工基本素质没有达到,没有一个整体的营销战略,没有整体的对内部员工的培训计划(QA,QC,国际法规,英语人才等等),将钱砸到咨询公司,是得不偿失的。


本文链接: http://drugprod.immuno-online.com/view-750109.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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